Mar 10, 2007

Dream Come True

Not days but years passed since i wished,
That the day would come.,
The day when i would meet her.,
feel her slender curves.,
Go around her.. feeling the Fragrance.,
Breathe her to my soul.,

I have longed for it,
Since half a decade ago.,
But i always knew, the day would come,
when i would feel her chill with the warmth around,
Catching my breadth., i came around her.,

The moment i approached her.,
I felt my pulse go wild,
And wild she was all the time,
Oh i forgot how time sped away,
coz being with her made me a kid again.,

The wait was over,
The want complete,
So i left her the way she was.,
Hoping to return again someday fine...

----- Guess tats why they call her "Queen of Hills"


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